RF Test Service

RF Test Service

It’s vital to select the appropriate antenna solution during any wireless device’s design and development phase. At Aboosty Antennas, we offer a comprehensive range of services throughout certain phases to assist each client in bringing their products to the global market effortlessly, with our end-to-end support.

Our services include:

Our Testing Services

Support Testing

Detailed List of Supported OTA Testing Scopes

Testing Workflow


Certified Precision

All in one All-in-One Testing Capabilities

Rapid Reporting—within as fast as 2 hours of sample receipt—enables us to be the perfect choice for clients needing swift antenna performance insights to accelerate products' time to market.

Adopting advanced 5G MIMO OTA testing standards and optimized system performance

Conducted by expert antenna engineers with over a decade of experience, ensuring reliable and trustworthy results.

Our senior antenna engineers, with 10+ years of experience, personally conduct the testing, ensuring your peace of mind.

In the antenna world, we unite with a common purpose.
Antennas, more than signals, they represent our commitment to you.
—— Aboosty Antennas
Get access to professional antenna quotes and solutions, and start a journey of efficient cooperation.
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